Charles Aiyegbusi
2 min readJun 24, 2021

Photo credits: Joshua Oluwagbemiga via

Nigeria will not continue to be like this.

The dust will settle, the noise will cease, peace and progress will come, and we will emerge purified, renewed, and restructured.

However, there will be casualties. Those caught in the crossfire.

Those who happened to be at the wrong places at the wrong times.

Those who were too poor or powerless to matter.

Do your best to stay afloat - spiritually, mentally, psychologically, financially, and even physically.


Spiritually. Pray and practice spiritual intelligence in all you do.

Commit your ways into the hands of the Almighty.

Understand the times and move accordingly.


Mentally. Protect your mental health.

Build up mental endurance, inspire yourself daily.

Add new knowledge.

Be on top of your game.

Move to the from of the queue in your marketplace.


Psychologically. Deal with negative emotions of hurt, guilt, shame, pain, bitterness, and envy.

Build stronger relationships, do things you love and enjoy, practice gratitude and embrace meditation.


Financially. Find ways to cut your spendings, increase income, diversify your investment, build multiple earning streams, create premium products and offers that will control your marketplace.

Whatever you do (legally), secure the bag!
It is a crime to be poor in 21st century Nigeria.


Physically. Dey your dey.

If you do not have to travel, suspend it.

Our roads are not that safe.

Relocate from troubled spots.

Be streetwise and know when to take off.

Be sensitive to your environment and practice safe movement protocols when going out.


Do your best to not be a victim of this rigged system.




Charles Aiyegbusi

DR Copywriter | Lead Partner @Edufortress Africa | Content manager at Review Fortress